Contact us

UK Debt Management Office

The Minster Building

21 Mincing Lane



United Kingdom




Senior Management Team


Jessica Pulay   Chief Executive Officer
Jo Whelan Deputy Chief Executive and Co-Head of Policy and Markets
Jim Juffs Chief Operating Officer
Vacant Co-Head of Policy and Markets




Note: the DMO does not offer investment advice.  For investment advice, please contact a financial adviser.  If you have questions about the gilt Purchase and Sale service, in the first instance please check the 'Buying & Selling' section of our website.  If you cannot find what you are looking for, please contact Computershare on 0370 703 0143 or via email to

  Primary Contact  Email
General Enquiries 020 7862 6500  
Markets Team 020 7862 6517
PWLB lending facility 020 7862 6610
Policy 020 7862 6532
Research 020 7862 6605
External Communications
Web Team
Records Management 020 7862 6528
Data Protection Officer 020 7862 6528
Complaints Procedure


Privacy Notice

We may need to process your personal data so that we can provide services to you. Our Privacy Notice explains why and how we do this.


Scam, 'Phishing' and Fraudulent Activity

The UK Debt Management Office (DMO) is from time to time made aware of fraudulent e-mails, letters, telephone calls and other correspondence using known identities of the DMO. The DMO is a government agency and does not send correspondence or make telephone calls of this nature. If you receive correspondence of this type and have any reason to doubt its legitimacy, do not respond.

If you receive telephone calls or correspondence that purports to be from the DMO, CRND or the PWLB lending facility, and want to inform the DMO please do so via You may also wish to contact your telephone supplier.

The DMO does not accept any responsibility for any loss or damage arising from contact with such correspondence.