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341-360 of 739 Results
Publication title Size Date published
Screen Announcement: Use of DMO Standing Repo Facility - £429 million of 5% Treasury Stock 2014 12.9KB 14-July-2009
Screen Announcement: Use of DMO Standing Repo Facility - £13 million of 1 ¼% Index-Linked Treasury Gilt 2032 12.9KB 14-July-2009
Screen Announcement: Use of DMO Standing Repo Facility - £1,753 million of 5% Treasury Gilt 2018 12.9KB 14-July-2009
Screen Announcement: Use of DMO Standing Repo Facility - £1,436 million of 4¾% Treasury Stock 2020 12.9KB 14-July-2009
Screen Announcement: Use of DMO Special Repo Facility - £150 million of 5% Treasury Stock 2014 12.9KB 14-July-2009
Screen Announcement: Cancellation of stock previously created under standing and special repo facilities 13.3KB 14-July-2009
Screen Announcement: Use of DMO Standing Repo Facility - £269 million of 5% Treasury Stock 2014 13.5KB 13-July-2009
Screen Announcement: Use of DMO Standing Repo Facility - £1,496 million of 4¾% Treasury Stock 2020 13.5KB 13-July-2009
Screen Announcement: Use of DMO Standing Repo Facility - £1,285 million of 5% Treasury Gilt 2018 13.5KB 13-July-2009
Screen Announcement: Use of DMO Special Repo Facility - £150 million of 5% Treasury Stock 2014 13.5KB 13-July-2009
Screen Announcement: Cancellation of stock previously created under standing and special repo facilities 11.8KB 13-July-2009
Screen Announcement: Use of DMO Standing Repo Facility - £125 million of 5% Treasury Stock 2014 10.9KB 10-July-2009
Screen Announcement: Use of DMO Standing Repo Facility - £1,448 million of 5% Treasury Gilt 2018 10.9KB 10-July-2009
Screen Announcement: Use of DMO Standing Repo Facility - £1,434 million of 4¾% Treasury Stock 2020 10.9KB 10-July-2009
Screen Announcement: Cancellation of stock previously created under standing and special repo facilities 13.0KB 10-July-2009
Screen Announcement: Use of DMO Standing Repo Facility - £121 million of 4¼% Treasury Gilt 2011 11.8KB 09-July-2009
Screen Announcement: Use of DMO Standing Repo Facility - £1,593 million of 5% Treasury Gilt 2018 11.8KB 09-July-2009
Screen Announcement: Use of DMO Standing Repo Facility - £1,528 million of 4¾% Treasury Stock 2020 11.8KB 09-July-2009
Screen Announcement: Use of DMO Special Repo Facility - £50 million of 5% Treasury Stock 2014 11.8KB 09-July-2009
Screen Announcement: Cancellation of stock previously created under standing repo facility 11.0KB 09-July-2009
341-360 of 739 Results