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801-820 of 909 Results
Publication title Size Date published
Auction of £1,750 million of 1¼% Treasury Gilt 2051 567.4KB 02-August-2022
Result of the Post-Auction Option Facility 1% Treasury Gilt 2032 50.1KB 02-August-2022
Screen Announcement: Use of the DMO Standing Repo facility - 02 August 2022 338.1KB 02-August-2022
Result of the Sale By Auction of £2750 million of 1% Treasury Gilt 2032 54.9KB 02-August-2022
Cancellation of stock previously created under standing repo facility 335.1KB 01-August-2022
Annual Report and Accounts of the CRND Receipts and Payments accounts 2021-22 593.3KB 01-August-2022
Screen Announcement: Use of the DMO Standing Repo facility - 01 August 2022 339.0KB 01-August-2022
Screen Announcement: Use of the DMO Standing Repo facility - 29 July 2022 340.3KB 29-July-2022
Non Exercise of the Post-Auction Option of 0⅛% Index-Linked Treasury Gilt 2051 51.0KB 27-July-2022
Result of the Sale By Auction of £700 million of 0⅛% Index-Linked Treasury Gilt 2051 58.1KB 27-July-2022
Auction of £2,750 million of 1% Treasury Gilt 2032 567.2KB 26-July-2022
Auction of £2,750 million of 1% Treasury Gilt 2032 - Prospectus 207.5KB 26-July-2022
Exercise of the Post-Auction Option Facility for 0¼% Treasury Gilt 2025 - Re-opening Prospectus 115.5KB 21-July-2022
Result of the Post-Auction Option Facility 0¼% Treasury Gilt 2025 51.4KB 21-July-2022
Result of the Sale By Auction of £3500 million of 0¼% Treasury Gilt 2025. 55.4KB 21-July-2022
Auction of £700 million of 0⅛% Index-Linked Treasury Gilt 2051 570.1KB 20-July-2022
Auction of £700 million of 0⅛% Index-Linked Treasury Gilt 2051 - Prospectus 532.2KB 20-July-2022
DMO Announcement: Index-linked gilt interest payments 474.1KB 20-July-2022
Exercise of the Post-Auction Option Facility for 1⅛% Treasury Gilt 2039 - Re-opening Prospectus 113.5KB 19-July-2022
Result of the Post-Auction Option Facility 1⅛% Treasury Gilt 2039 63.5KB 19-July-2022
801-820 of 909 Results