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981-1000 of 1304 Results
Publication title Size Date published
Non Exercise of the Post-Auction Option of 1% Treasury Gilt 2032 49.2KB 01-December-2021
Auction of £1,500 million of 1¼% Treasury Gilt 2051 655.4KB 30-November-2021
Auction of £1,500 million of 1¼% Treasury Gilt 2051 - Prospectus 207.7KB 30-November-2021
Calendar of gilt operations in January to March 2022 738.8KB 30-November-2021
Auction of £2,250 million of 1% Treasury Gilt 2032 741.0KB 24-November-2021
Auction of £2,250 million of 1% Treasury Gilt 2032 - Prospectus 206.9KB 24-November-2021
Syndicated Offering of £1,100 million of 0⅛% Index-linked Treasury Gilt 2073 – Final Offering Circular 199.7KB 23-November-2021
Syndicated Offering of £1,100 million of 0⅛% Index-linked Treasury Gilt 2073 – Preliminary Offering Circular 201.8KB 23-November-2021
Syndicated launch of £1.1 billion of 0⅛% Index-linked Gilt 2073: Result 451.3KB 23-November-2021
Quarterly Review for Jul-Sep 2021 663.1KB 23-November-2021
Minutes of the DMO Q4 2021-22 consultation calls with gilt market participants 289.9KB 23-November-2021
Annual Review 2020-21 1.6MB 19-November-2021
Exercise of the Post-Auction Option Facility For 0⅞% Treasury Gilt 2046 - Re-opening Prospectus 113.9KB 16-November-2021
Result of the Post-Auction Option Facility 0⅞% Treasury Gilt 2046 63.0KB 16-November-2021
Result of the Sale By Auction of £1750 million of 0⅞% Treasury Gilt 2046 67.3KB 16-November-2021
Agenda for the consultations with gilt market investors (3.30pm) and GEMMs (5.00pm) to discuss gilt issuance in January-March 2022 on Monday 22 November 2021 140.8KB 15-November-2021
Syndicated launch of 0⅛% Index-linked Treasury Gilt 2073 in the week commencing 22 November 2021: Appointment of syndicate 611.9KB 12-November-2021
Non Exercise of the Post-Auction Option of 0⅛% Index-Linked Treasury Gilt 2031 64.0KB 10-November-2021
Result of the Sale By Auction of £900 million of 0 1/8% Index-linked Treasury Gilt 2031 70.4KB 10-November-2021
Auction of £1,750 million of 0⅞% Treasury Gilt 2046 - Prospectus 209.1KB 09-November-2021
981-1000 of 1304 Results