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1161-1180 of 2170 Results
Publication title Size Date published
Exercise of Post Auction Option for 1¼% Treasury Gilt 2018 - Re-opening Prospectus 84.4KB 17-October-2013
Exercise of Post Auction Option for 0⅛% Index-linked Treasury Gilt 2019 - Re-opening Prospectus 86.1KB 08-October-2013
Auction of £4,750 million of 1¼% Treasury Gilt 2018 - Prospectus 151.5KB 08-October-2013
Exercise of Post Auction Option of 2¼% Treasury Gilt 2023 - Re-opening Prospectus 84.2KB 03-October-2013
Auction of £1,750 million of 0⅛% Index-linked Treasury Gilt 2019 - Prospectus 257.0KB 01-October-2013
Syndicated Offering of 0⅛% Index-linked Treasury Gilt 2068 - Preliminary Offering Circular 314.6KB 24-September-2013
Syndicated Offering of 0⅛% Index-linked Treasury Gilt 2068 - Final Offering Circular 264.0KB 24-September-2013
Auction of £4,000 million of 2¼% Treasury Gilt 2023 - Prospectus 151.5KB 24-September-2013
Exercise of Post Auction Option for 1¼% Treasury Gilt 2018 - Re-opening Prospectus 84.4KB 19-September-2013
Exercise of Post Auction Option for 2¼% Treasury Gilt 2023 - Re-opening Prospectus 84.2KB 12-September-2013
Exercise of Post Auction Option for 3¼% Treasury Gilt 2044 - Re-opening Prospectus 84.3KB 10-September-2013
Auction of £4,750 million of 1¼% Treasury Gilt 2018 - Prospectus 151.7KB 10-September-2013
Exercise of Post Auction Option for 0⅛% Index-linked Treasury Gilt 2024 - Re-opening Prospectus 86.5KB 03-September-2013
Auction of £3,750 million of 2¼% Treasury Gilt 2023 - Prospectus 151.6KB 03-September-2013
Auction of £2,750 million of 3¼% Treasury Gilt 2044 - Prospectus 151.1KB 03-September-2013
Auction of £1,500 million 0⅛% Index-linked Treasury Gilt 2024 - Prospectus 255.9KB 27-August-2013
Exercise of Post Auction Option for 0⅛% Index-linked Treasury Gilt 2019 - Re-opening Prospectus 86.9KB 20-August-2013
Auction of £1,750 million of 0⅛% Index-linked Treasury Gilt 2019 - Prospectus 256.4KB 13-August-2013
Exercise of Post Auction Option for 0¾% Index-linked Treasury Gilt 2034 - Re-opening Prospectus 87.4KB 08-August-2013
Exercise of Post Auction Option for 1¼% Treasury Gilt 2018 - Re-opening Prospectus 85.1KB 06-August-2013
1161-1180 of 2170 Results