
Annual Reports and Accounts


Annual report and accounts are available for the Debt Management Office (DMO), the Debt Management Account (DMA), the PWLB lending facility, and the accounts administered by the Commissioners for the Reduction of National Debt (CRND).

Since 2006-2007, the DMO and the DMA have published a single document with a shared annual report followed by the respective annual accounts. This document is published before the Parliamentary summer recess in line with best practice in making available year-end information in a timely manner. Copies of the combined Annual Report and Accounts for the DMO/DMA are available here.

From 1 July 2002, the PWLB was integrated into the DMO and the most recent copies of its Annual Report and Accounts are also available here. Backdated copies of the PWLB Annual Reports from 1876 are available on an ‘inspection only’ basis upon application to the DMO.

Since 2014-2015, CRND have published the combined annual report and accounts of the CRND receipts and payments accounts. The most recent copies are available here. Backdated copies of certain CRND accounts are available upon application to the DMO.

Should you have any queries regarding these documents please email the DMO Finance Team.