Freedom of Information

Making a request for information

If you cannot find the information you want on this website you can submit a request by letter or email.

In making a request you need to

  • provide your name and address for replies
  • describe as clearly as possible the information you are seeking

It would also be helpful if you were to

  • label the enquiry as 'Freedom of Information Request'
  • give a telephone number, in case we need to discuss your request with you.

Please send your request to


Records and Information Management Team
UK Debt Management Office 
The Minster Building
21 Mincing Lane
United Kingdom


How we will handle requests


  • We will provide advice and assistance where that would be helpful.
  • We have a statutory obligation to reply within 20 working days, except where extra time is permitted under the Act. Where extra time is permitted, we will contact you in writing to let you know and explain why.
  • We will tell you whether or not we hold the information requested unless a statutory exemption applies.
  • We will provide the information requested unless a statutory exemption applies.
  • We will keep you notified of progress where appropriate, and justify any refusal to you.

Requests for information related to environmental matters are likely to be dealt with under the Environmental Information Regulations 2004, which provide similar rights of access to the FOI Act.

Requests for your own personal data will be dealt with as subject access requests under the relevant data protection legislation.

The Information Commissioner’s Office website provides guidance on requesting information under the FOI Act or the Environmental Information Regulations:



If you are dissatisfied with the handling or the outcome of your request, you should write within two months to the Records and Information Management Team. The DMO will take a fresh look at the entire case and write to you to explain the outcome. We will also tell you how to take your concerns to the Information Commissioner, if you remain dissatisfied.