Investor Information
The Investor Information pages are intended to provide information to those who have an interest in investing in gilts and would like to know more about the features of these instruments.
The government’s objective for fiscal policy is to support sustainable economic growth and the provision of high-quality public services and investment across the UK, through the effective management of the public finances and sustainable taxes and borrowing. The DMO issues gilts to finance both that portion of government expenditure that is not covered by tax revenues and to refinance maturing debt, as necessary.
For wholesale investors, please refer to the institutional investor pages. If you are a retail investor, then please refer to the retail investor pages.
The information provided on this website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute investment advice. Investors who want advice on dealing with a non-regulated entity, which gilt or other investment may be best suited to them, or on trading strategies, should consult a professional advisor before making any investment decisions. As gilts are marketable securities, their market value may go down as well as up. Please refer to the Terms of Use for further information.
This information does not constitute an offer to buy or sell securities, nor does it offer investment advice.
The DMO issues gilts to the market on behalf of the Government of the United Kingdom, and holds gilts itself, including for collateral purposes.