Treasury bills Outstanding – Ad Hoc Tender

Report Overview

This report provides the issuance history of the Treasury bills outstanding that were issued by ad-hoc Treasury bill tenders. It shows when these bills were originally issued and when they were re-issued by tender. Re-openings of Treasury bills for collateral purposes are excluded from this report. It must be noted that since 2000-01 there has not been an ad-hoc tender.
Use of these data assumes compliance with the DMO's terms of use

Export options

1 Collateral and bilateral issues of Treasury bills are excluded from this table.
2 The DMO may on occasion issue Treasury bills with maturities from 1 to 364 days on an ad hoc basis (with settlement on a standard T+1 format). Bills issued through ad hoc tenders may be additional issues of existing Treasury bills or they may be new issues for ‘standard’ or ‘nonstandard’ maturity dates. The re-issue dates are the settlement dates rather than the tender dates and administrative arrangements.