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21-40 of 314 Results
Publication title Size Date published
Result of the Post-Auction Option Facility 4 3/8% Treasury Gilt 2028 63.1KB 23-January-2025
Result of the Sale By Auction of £4,250 million of 4 3/8% Treasury Gilt 2028 67.9KB 23-January-2025
Auction of £3,000 million of 0⅞% Green Gilt 2033 71.4KB 22-January-2025
Syndicated re-opening of £8.5bn of 4⅜% Treasury Gilt 2040: Result 160.9KB 21-January-2025
Auction of £1,500 million of 1⅛% Index-linked Treasury Gilt 2035 124.6KB 21-January-2025
Auction of £4,250 million of 4⅜% Treasury Gilt 2028 87.3KB 16-January-2025
DMO Announcement: Index-linked gilt interest payments 296.8KB 15-January-2025
Result of the Post-Auction Option Facility 4¼% Treasury Gilt 2034 49.6KB 15-January-2025
Result of the Sale By Auction of £4,000 million of 4¼% Treasury Gilt 2034 55.5KB 15-January-2025
Result of the Post-Auction Option Facility 1¼% Index-linked Treasury Gilt 2054 50.4KB 14-January-2025
Result of the Sale By Auction of £1,000 million of 1¼% Index-linked Treasury Gilt 2054 56.3KB 14-January-2025
Appointment of the United Kingdom Debt Management Office’s Co-Head of Policy and Markets 160.1KB 13-January-2025
Syndicated re-opening of 4⅜% Treasury Gilt 2040: Appointment of syndicate 111.3KB 10-January-2025
Auction of £4,000 million of 4¼% Treasury Gilt 2034 71.2KB 08-January-2025
Non Exercise of the Post-Auction Option of 4⅜% Treasury Gilt 2030 62.4KB 08-January-2025
Result of the Sale By Auction of £4,250 million of 4⅜% Treasury Gilt 2030 67.9KB 08-January-2025
Syndicated re-opening of 4⅜% Treasury Gilt 2040 in the week commencing 20 January 2025 188.3KB 08-January-2025
Auction of £1,000 million of 1¼% Index-linked Treasury Gilt 2054 88.9KB 07-January-2025
Result of the Post-Auction Option Facility 4 3/8% Treasury Gilt 2054 62.6KB 07-January-2025
Result of the Sale By Auction of £2,250 million of 4 3/8% Treasury Gilt 2054 67.2KB 07-January-2025
21-40 of 314 Results