PWLB lending facility
Current Data
Monthly Loans Report
The report lists by borrower the amounts advanced in the previous month, the rate of interest, the term of the loan and the length of time, in months, before the loan will be fully expended. Information on the annual activity is located in the Annual Reports section.
- January 2025 (41KB)
- February 2025 (58KB)
Year end data
Audit Statements
Borrowers will receive a copy of their audit statement by email as at 31 March each year. This statement is sent in April, normally within 7 working days.
Year End Values
It is the responsibility of borrowers to calculate the value of their loans at year end.
PWLB lending facility has made available data to help borrowers to calculate the fair value of their loans. The DMO has also provided a calculation that, whilst not meeting the requirements of paragraph of the Code, will be useful in meeting the additional disclosures suggested by the Code Guidance Notes. It calculates a value for each loan at the end of the financial year as the aggregate net present value of future cash flows, discounted using the appropriate discount rate taken from the premature repayment set of rates in force at close of business on the last working day of the financial year, using the formulae on the Technical Notes page.
The report contains only loans where the cash has been advanced on or before 31 March. Loans which have been agreed, but the cash has not yet been advanced as at 31 March, are not included.
Scheduled repayments that are due to the PWLB on or before 31 March, but had not yet been paid due to the scheduled date falling on a non-working day, are reflected in the column ‘Repayments Due but Not yet Paid’. These amounts are included in the ‘Year End Value’ column.
31 March 2024
England, Wales and Scotland - All Authorities (2.73MB)
Residual maturity
Each borrower's debt outstanding to HM Treasury at the year end is analysed into period bands with the average rate of interest payable for each band.
The report contains only loans where the cash has been advanced on or before 31 March. Loans which have been agreed, but the cash has not yet been advanced as at 31 March, are not included.
The total scheduled principal repayments within the ‘Up to 1 Year Bucket’ includes amounts that were due to the PWLB on or before 31 March, but had not yet been paid due to the scheduled payment date falling on a non-working day. These amounts are also reflected in the column ‘Total Principal Due but Not yet Paid’, and are excluded from the Balance Outstanding (i.e. sum of the time Buckets = Balance Outstanding + Total Principal Due but Not yet Paid).
Residual Maturity 2024 (357 KB)