The DMO makes a range of data available on gilts and Treasury bills, as well as on the activities of the PWLB lending facility and CRND.
All of the data available via this website are listed on this page. Report codes have been provided to facilitate users of the DMO’s previous website.
Gilts in Issue, Prices and Yields
Gilts in Issue (D1A) XML: Gilts in Issue
Estimated Market Value of Gilts (D9D)
Redemption Details of Redeemed Gilts (D1C)
Government Holdings of Gilts (D4L) XML: Government Holdings of Gilts
Historical Monthly Gilt Yields (D4H)
Gilt Purchase and Sale Prices (D10B)
Gilt Operations and Calendars
Other Gilt Issuance Results (D2.1PROF7)
Gilt Syndication Results (D10A)
Gilt Tender Results (D2.1PROF9)
Use of Standing and Special Gilt Repo Facility (D2.1PROF5)
Gilt Issuance History (D2.1E) XML: Gilt Issuance History
Outright Gilt Issuance Calendar (D5D)
Index-linked Gilts
Index-linked Gilts in Issue (D1D)
Index-linked gilt cash flows (D5I)
Estimated Index-linked gilt Redemption Payments (D9C)
Index Ratios for 3-month lag Index-linked gilts (D10C) XML: Index Ratio Data (current month onward)
RPI Data (D4O) XML: RPI Data
Treasury Bills
Treasury Bill Tender Results – One Week (D2.2A)
Treasury Bill Tender Results – Time Series (D2.2D) XML: Treasury Bill Tender Results
Treasury Bill Issuance and Stock (D2.2G)
Treasury Bills Outstanding (D2.2E)
Ad Hoc Treasury Bills Outstanding (D2.2H)
PWLB lending facility
Current PWLB Standard Fixed Interest Rates (D7A.2)
Latest PWLB Variable Rates (D7A.4)
Current National Loans Fund (NLF) Rates (D7A.6)
Estimated Repayment Costs for Fixed Rate Loans (D9A.1)
Funds managed by CRND (Current Market Values) (D6A)
The DMO takes reasonable measures to ensure the integrity and quality of the data and other information produced by the DMO and reproduced on this website. However, the DMO makes no warranty, express or implied, nor assumes any liability or responsibility for the accuracy, correctness, completeness, availability, fitness for purpose or use of any information that is available on or through this website nor represents that its use would not infringe other proprietary rights.